Friday, March 20, 2009

Long Overdue...Hawaii Babymoon

A couple of weekends ago we headed off for a few days for our "babymoon!" Our last vacation...sans baby. We decided to spend it in Maui on the Ka'anapali coast. It was totally relaxing, we didn't do much except lounge by the pool & beach, explore Lahaina, eat some yummy food, and enjoy a massage. We didn't take quite as many pics as we usually do, but here's what we have!

We arrived late in the afternoon on Day 1...enough time to put our toes in the sand and catch a bit of sunlight (through the rain drops).

Jen tries to blend in with the locals upon arrival

Brian enjoys his first fruity umbrella drink of the weekend

Our dinner on night #1 was at a Benihana-style restaurant...hence the onion inferno.

Day #2 was a trip to Lahaina. We stopped at Longs Drugs where Brian picked up many, many pairs of Locals Flip Flops...His staple footwear. Then we were off to Lahaina town to wander around, explore local art galleries, and have lunch!

Brian in a Banyan tree jail on our rainy journey to Lahaina.

Jen also experience the Banyan tree incarceration

Brian enjoys a mai tai and a restaurant strangely enough called...Mai Tai's.

The sun came out on day three...and we spent quite a lot of time sitting by the pool and lounging around the beach.

The standard foot shot while lounging by the pool

A gorgeous tropical flower

Brian decided to spice up the lazy day by jumping off the "cliff." I swear...that is
him waving in the picture.

What I didn't know was that Brian had stepped on a sea urchin prior to his jump. His foot was full of spikes!

Despite Brian's foot injury, we headed up to the Westin for some shopping, a massage, and then Dinner.

Brian tries to offset the cost of the trip in an unusual way

A very relaxed post-massage dinner

On the beach for an evening stroll

The weather cooperated on our last day, so we worked on our tans (or touristy sunburns as it turns out), and got ready to hit the airport for a red eye home!

The view from the hotel as we got ready to head out

A farewell picture

After a particularly turbulent flight home, we arrived exhausted and relaxed...and surprised by the snow on the ground!


cadre said...

Ahhh, Hawaii...It looks so glorious as I am sitting here on a rainy evening! So glad you got to go and relax in the balminess that we once called home. XOXOXO

Julia's Blog said...

Looks like fun although not that sunny! I am still jealous though!