Friday, June 6, 2008

and so the training begins!

after taking a few months off, it's that time of the year again: marathon training time!
jen, along with a few family members [jani, her aunts linda & jean, + her cousin lauren] will be running the nike women's half marathon in october, and i- a non-woman, will be running the whole shibang!

so after kicking it into gear a bit early, to build my base mileage base and speed back up to respectable levels [starting @ 22 miles a week, with a few 5-milers and my first 7-miler this morning], we got some mixed news. i also was one of the lucky ones chosen in the new york marathon lottery, just a month later... but jen missed the pick [note: it's very tough to land a spot- jen's aunt jean missed out 3 years in a row- eeg!].

so... now it's decision time. we either have to a] see if we can get her in using a yet-unproven connection or b] land one of the charity spots, and raise 2500$ for charity- which might actually work. we've both been dying to run new york, ever since we started with the marathon business, so cross your fingers, and wish us luck!
... brian

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