Monday, February 23, 2009

Weekend Update & New Belly Shots!

This weekend was spent relaxing, baby preparation, and a BBQ on Sunday. (And errand running of course) We have one more weekend until Maui, followed immediately by the baby shower, so it is nice to relax and get things done.

In baby news: We ordered our stroller and car seat...I know...exciting news right? Brian has made some major progress on the art/cutouts for the baby's room. Next step, dismantling the guest room after our round of guests in March, followed by painting and mounting cutouts. We're getting so close! Just about three months to go!

Then...Brian's request for me to make ribs turned into an impromptu get-together at hour house on Sunday. Several members of the Loose Cannon Crew came over, my friend Annie stopped by, and Rob, Nicole, Elliot, and Jacqueline joined us as well. The ribs take almost a full day to prepare, so it's nice to cook them for a group.

The preparation begins...

Many, many ingredients are involved in this recipe...this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The ribs...which took 5+ hours to slow cook. At least everyone was REALLY hungry by the time we ate.

Smiling now that they've been fed.

Jacqueline, Elliot, and Nicole: Post Feast

We also took some new belly shots...about 27-ish weeks!

1 comment:

cadre said...

Yums! Those ribs look delish, and very nice food photography!