Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Update Time!

Lots going on since my last I'll start from where I left off!

A couple weekends ago (I'm losing track)...I went home to my parent's house with Lily, and Brian. Since he was working all weekend, I headed off for some help with little ole' Lily. We missed him terribly, and I hope not to do that again, but it was so nice to see my family!

Nana and Papa spend some time admiring Lily

Rian shows Lily how to play in the new sand box that Nana and Papa installed in the backyard

This is what happens when Rian is your hairstylist

Papa and Lily

Her favorite pose for sleep OR awake

Funny Faces

Nana & Lily

Julia gets her turn in front of the camera

We came back on Sunday and Brian left work eary to see us!

Brian cuddles Lily in the new outfit that Nana bought her

On Wednesday, Lily and I met Nicole, her Mom Christine, Jacqueline, Elliot, and Lia at the Woodland Park Zoo. Lily slept for most of the time there, but I know she totally enjoyed it.

I love flamingos...

I loved this duck even more...he thought he WAS a flamingo

This gorilla was chillin' in his hammock!

This creature was the scariest of all...and he resides in our living room

Saturday brought us back to the Zoo...this time with Rian, Kim, and Bo. They were in town for the day!!

While waiting for the crew to arrive, Brian and I encountered a peacock

The peacock totally performed on command.

Seriously, it was like he was posing for the pictures. I wondered where his tip jar was..

Rian showed up in her fancy new stroller...

Rian tries to climb onto one of the many statues at the zoo

Brian gets in on the action as well

A giraffe head...not much else to say about this

Elephant buddies

This orangutan had crazy cheeks!

Rian in the sun

This was the view we had of Rian about 90% of the time at the zoo. The girl can RUN!

Crows are scary, even the gold ones

The penguin exhibit opened recently

Rian seemed to enjoy it!

Sunday was Father's Day...Brian's first...and he got to take the day off. (The first weekend day he's had off in a couple of months) We met my parents, as well as Abe and Lauren, in Seattle for Brunch, and then hit the market to buy our dinner. We had spotted shrimp, halibut cheeks, New York Strip Steak, and a beautiful caesar salad for dinner. We opened a BIG bottle of wine as well...Joseph Phelps Insignia 2003. The dinner and the wine did NOT disappoint...

Photographic evidence of our big wine splurge

Some Daddy and Lily time on Father's day

I get in on the action as well...

This week we've not been up to much...we're preparing for Ron and Maggie's visit this weekend. We can't wait to see them, and Lily just can't wait to meet them!

Until next time...


Friday, June 19, 2009

First Four Weeks Movie

I made a little slideshow/movie with pictures from my pregnancy, Lily's "birth"day and her first four weeks. It's not very good...still trying to figure out the program, but here it is!


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Almost Four Weeks!

Week four of Lily's life has been filled with all sorts of activities!

Last weekend Julia came home...for good this time! She arrived on Saturday and stopped by to meet Lily for the first time.

Sunday Brian headed off to work, and Julia and I headed off to Seattle. My Mom and her sister Linda (along with Lauren and Abe) ran in the Susan Komen Breast Cancer 5k. An annual event for them...I was unfortunately unable to join this year, but celebrated with a yummy brunch nonetheless. My mom came over afterwards to graciously help me out. It's so nice to have family close by!!

Admiring Lily

A nap for Lily and Nana

This week Lily and I have been trying to get into a routine of sorts. We spend the morning relaxing, reading, playing. Her favorite activity is dancing! She hangs out in her wrap while we dance around to music. Her favorites are Bob Marley, Stevie Wonder, and Chuck Brown...she has incredible taste in music. It's fun to have a dance partner, and a reason to act silly! My mom tells me she did the same thing with me and my brother and sister. Maybe that was the start of our love for music and dance??

Today we went to yoga for the first time at 8 Limbs, the studio where I did my pre-natal yoga. This is a class geared toward post-natal moms...the babies don't participate, but they watch and spend time with their mothers! If the Mom's are lucky, and the babies cooperate, it's a great workout. (And Lily did cooperate, she slept until I woke her up at the end of class to change and feed her.) We will be taking a class starting in July where it's more interactive with Lily (Called Itsy Bitsy Yoga), but this is great for the time being! . I took some pics at the studio...they're not great...sorry!

The babies lay at the end of your mat on blankets.

Mom...why'd you wake me up. I was so relaxed after yoga!

Lily "poses" in her car seat at the end of class

Other than that, we've been getting out on walks whenever possible, and meeting up with Brian during the day when we can. Brian's game is nearing the end, so he's looking forward to having weekends again. What a concept...I think he'll be taking some additional time off when the game is complete, so we're all excited about that.

And...Tomorrow is Lily's four week birthday. Time is flying by!


Friday, June 5, 2009

3 Weeks Old!!

Today marks two momentous occasions!

1: Lily Robin Patenaude is officially 3 Weeks old!

2: Today is my first full day at home alone with Lily. Brian went back to work today...

So far, so good. (Loud knocking on wood everyone) She's currently asleep after a long bout of crying. I know I'm supposed to be resting/napping as well, but I keep thinking of things that need to be done. Hopefully I can get a rest this afternoon.

Here are some pictures we've taken over the past week or so...and some from today to mark her 3 weeks of age.

Lily in her polkadots

A peaceful moment in the heat

Funny faces

This is her dramatic "you woke me up" pose

How can you resist this face

Brian captured this picture of the beautiful sky last night

The rest are pictures from this morning...not all of them great, but here you go!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

HEATWAVE! maybe we're wimps here in Seattle, but with temperatures approaching 90 degrees (IN JUNE), we're having a bit of a tough week. The real issue is the poor insulation in our 3pm, it's a full 10-15 degrees hotter in our living room than it is outside. It's crazy! We're going to break down today and buy a window AC unit, which will have to be rigged up getto-style since we have sliding windows. I really don't care at this point. Summer has just begun, and we need at least one room to have as a refuge.

Other than the heat...things are going well. Lily had her two week appt last Friday, weighing in at a nice 7 lbs, 10 oz / 20 inches long. She's in the 50th percentile for weight, height, and head size now.

The weekend was great. My parents were here in Seattle with their illustrious wine tasting group. They did a limo tour on Saturday in Woodinville, and we met up with them for dinner at Trellis that night.

The Big Group at Dinner

Dinner was delicious, and despite a tiny meltdown at the end of the night...Lily's first dinner out was pretty well.

We joined them for a brief wine tour on Sunday, as they hit up a few wineries they missed the day before. (We also has a bunch of wine club shipments to pick up)

Brian poses with Lily after brunch

Lily and her Mom...

Jen, Brian, and Lily at JM

Brian and Lily

This week has so far been spent doing the best we can to keep cool. Lily is loving the heat just about as much as we are.

Clothes are overrated when it's 95 degrees in your house!

More later when I'm not sweating on my keyboard!
